Monday, February 17, 2025

Ancient Israel House : 1st Century Nazareth House


a house from the 1st century AD was discovered in Nazareth, 2009

example of a stone house with courtyard

Features of a house in 1st century Nazareth

Houses in Nazareth had a flat roof with exterior stairs at the side and an awning of woven goats’ hair to protect against the sun. This was used by the women as a work-space, an extra room.

The roof was also a cool place to sleep in hot weather.

The inside of the house , there were raised platforms at one end of the room, with cushions and mats – woven by the women and, like their clothing, embroidered.

The walls were covered with plaster, rubbed flat with a stone and painted with geometric patterns.

There was hardly any furniture. Niches were cut into the wall, and these provided storage for bedrolls and clothes.

Large amounts of food – jars of oil and olives, etc., were kept in separate storage areas, secure against mice. Archaeological excavations in the Nazareth area show there was a honeycomb of underground rooms under the houses, hollowed out of the soft rock. They were used for a variety of purposes – living quarters in the fierce heat of summer, cisterns for water, grain silos, and storage.

The inside rooms of the house were small and dark, so the courtyard and roof were important work areas, with better light for tasks like spinning and weaving.

Down in the courtyard was the cooking area, with an open fire, an oven and an array of cooking utensils. There was a mortar and pestle for grinding small amounts of grain and a covered area where people sat while they worked or talked.

Courtyard served as a daily workplace – the weather was dry for most of the year. Here Spinning and weaving were done, food was prepared, people met, and animals were kept.

The courtyard often contained a mikveh for ceremonial purification, and the family latrine as well, which was emptied every day into a communal manure pit.

Ancient Israel House : Iron Age's Four Room House


A four-room house, also known as an "Israelite house" or a "pillared house" is the name given to the mud and stone houses characteristic of the Iron Age of Levant.

The house is about 7.5 meters by 6.8 meters 

The four-room house is so named because its floor plan is divided into four sections, although not all four are proper rooms, one often being an unroofed courtyard. 

many four-room houses were at least partially two stories

The popularity of the structure started at the beginning of Iron Age I ( end of the 11th  century BC ) ( United Monarchy ) and dominated the architecture of Israel through Iron Age II until the Babylonian Exile. After the destruction of Judah ( of the 7th and 6th centuries BC ) the architecture type was no longer utilized.

Hundreds of four-room houses are known today from Iron Age sites mainly concentrated in the highlands (i.e. the Galilee), the Central Hill Country and the Transjordanian Plateau

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Herodian Kingdom

89 BC, Asia Minor and surrounding region

Family tree of the Hasmonean dynasty

37 BC–4 AD, Herodian Kingdom of Judea 

4 BC–44 AD,  Herodian Tetrarchy 

Members of the Herodian dynasty mentioned in the New Testament

Sunday, October 6, 2024

1854 委辦譯本






1843年,英美两国的5个差会(伦敦会London Missionary Society、美部会Congregational Church、马礼逊教育会、美国浸礼会American Baptist Churches、美国长老会)的代表,在香港首次召开以共同翻译中文圣经为目的的传教士会议,并成立一个译经委办会。会议决定,以「公认经文」(Textus Receptus)作为希腊文基础文本,修订当时的新约译本,并且重新翻译旧约。



裨治文 (Elijah Coleman Bridgman 1801-1861 ) - American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

文惠廉 (William Jones Boone 1811-1864 ) - Protestant Episcopal Church Mission

克陛存 (Michael Simpson Culbertson 1819-1862 ) - American Presbyterian Mission

婁理華 (Walter Macon Lowrie 1819-1847) -  American Presbyterian Mission

高德(Josiah T. Goddard 1813-1854 ) - Baptist Board for Foreign Missions

羅爾悌 (Edward C. Lord 1817-1887 ) - American Baptist Missionary Union

迪因修 (William Dean 1807-1895) - American Baptist Missionary Union

施敦力 (John Stronach 1810-1888) - London Missionary Society

理雅各 (James Legge 1815-1897 ) - London Missionary Society

麥都思 (Walter Henry Medhurst 1796-1857 ) - London Missionary Society

美魏茶 (William Charles Milne 1815-1863 ) - London Missionary Society

另由中國人王韜 (Wang Tao 1828-1897 ) 潤筆。


1844-1847 : 第一阶段



1848-1850 : 第二阶段






美國聖經公會 (American Bible Society) 採用「神」,名《救世聖經》

英國及海外聖經公會  (British and Foreign Bible Society, 前稱大英聖書公會) 採用「上帝」,





1854年,《舊約》譯本與委員會所譯《新約》以《代表譯本聖經》為名合訂出版,由英國及海外聖經公會出版,史稱「代表譯本」或「委辦譯本」(Delegates Version)。






Friday, September 27, 2024

1826 救世主耶稣新遗诏书




麦都思(Walter Henry Medhurst1796-1857)、

郭实腊(Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff1803-1851)、

裨治文(Elijah Coleman Bridgman 1801-1861)、

马儒翰(John Robert Morrison1814-1843)。


马礼逊(Robert Morrison)在1834年去世之后,麦都思等人开始着手修订马礼逊的文理译本,但最后的译本则是全新的译本。








1860年,太平天国再印圣经。《旧遗诏圣书》和 《新遗诏圣书》分别易名为 《钦定旧遗诏圣书》和《钦定前遗诏圣书》。

Thursday, September 19, 2024

1823 神天圣书

马礼逊文理译本,正式名称为神天圣书,是新教人士马礼逊Robert Morrison翻译的文理(文言文)新旧约全书。

馬禮遜(Robert Morrison, 1782-1834)是新教第一位來華傳教士,被譽為新教在華傳教事業之父。他不但完成中文聖經的翻譯,也撰寫了大量作品,包括中文語言學和學習教材、英文學習教材、中國概況和歷史、外國見聞、講章、宗教小冊子、傳教活動記錄,以及中國文學作品的英譯等。

1804年,倫敦傳道會(London Missionary Society)差遣馬禮遜為傳教士,預備前往中國傳教。在預備期間,他在倫敦跟一名廣東人楊善達學習中文。


馬禮遜聲使用希臘文和希伯來文文本(包括《七十士譯本》),但一般認為他主要還是以英譯本(《KJV》)為主。《新約》譯文大部分參考天主教白日昇(Jean Basset, c1662-1707)的《新約譯本》。

1809年,馬禮遜受聘為東印度公司 (East India Company)的翻譯員,在廣州工作。​


1813年,同樣是倫敦會的傳教士米憐  (William Milne, 1785-1822)來到澳門。却未能取得在廣州的居留許可,唯有轉往马六甲。

1818年馬禮遜和米憐開辦英华书院 (Anglo Chinese College )。米憐為首任校長,印刷所也以英華書院為名。所以,當時印製的聖經,在書名左旁都印有「嗎𠯿呷英華書院藏板」。
1843,英华书院迁校香港。(今 Ying Hua College)

1824年,馬禮遜和他的兒子馬儒漢(John Robert Morrison, 1814-1843)把譯本呈交給大英聖書公會。

马礼逊译本晚于马士曼译本Marshman’s Version一年。

