Friday, March 30, 2018

Christian vs Jewish Festivals

Holy Week 圣周
Pesach 逾越节 ( Passover ) 
& Feast of Matzot 无酵节   
( Feast of Unleavened Bread ) 
LEV 23:5–8
Palm Sunday
Jesus’s Triumphal entry into Jerusalem 
JHN 12:12-18
Holy Monday
Anointing of Jesus at Bethany  JHN 12:1-11
Fig Tuesday
Jesus predicted his own death MAR 8:31
Spy Wednesday
Judas betrayed Jesus to High Priest LUK 22:1-6
Maundy Thursday
Commemorate the Maundy and Last Supper
JHN 13
Good Friday
Commemorate the Crucifixion of Christ
MAR 15:24-41
Erev Pesach
Fast of Firstborn
EXO 12:14
Black Saturday
Jesus buried 
MAR 15:42-47 
Pesach I
Commemorate Jews liberation from Egypt 
DEU 16:12, EXO 13:3
Easter Sunday
Commemorate the Resurrection of Christ
LUK 24
Pesach II
Pesach III
Pesach IV
Pesach V
Pesach VI
Pesach VII
Commemorate the Passage through the Red Sea EXO 14

Pentecost 五旬節

Shavout 七七节

Ascension Day耶穌升天日
Easter +40 days
MAK 16:19, LUK 24:51, ACT 1:2
Commemorates the Ascension of Jesus

Pentecost  ACTS 2
Ascension Day +10 days
Passover +50 days
Commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit

Shavout ( Feast of Weeks) DEU 16:9-12
6th Sivan
Festival of Reaping (Wheat) EXO 34:22
Commemorates Giving of Torah
Whit Monday